The rwko was born at the end of 2022 with the mission to organize events devoted to CSE students and help make their lives at ETH easier. Currently the RWko organizes two formats of events:
The rw::gettogethers: gatherings/parties for all CSE students
Like all other VMP committees, the rwko has a Board of Members comprized of the President and the heads of the different Ressorts. Currently the rwko has 4 ressorts.
These are the current board memebers:
The President represents the commission in front of the VMP board and chairs all board meetings of the rwko...
Samuel is responsible with ensuring the rw::gettogethers are organised twice a semester and that everything runs smoothly
The SSH ressort is responsible for more studying-related aspects such as the revival of the CSE Wiki and [insert]
My job is to ensure students are properly informed about the what events and other activities the rwko organizes. I am also the some sending out the rwko newsletter (at totally irregular intervals). Finally i ensure our IT tools work properly for the other memebrs
Hello ✨
I'm the one that contacts cool companies and organizes rw::excursions. I design some of the posters, help out here and there with exam preparation and nag the VMP to organize more PVKs for CSE students
The D-MATH RW/CSE Wiki is a place for CSE students to exchange knowledge and advice about the curriculum and life at ETH. It is currently run by members of the Teaching Commission, but we are always happy to hear your ideas and feedback!
You can access it here.
Since HS2022, the rwko organises the rw::gettogethers twice a semester. They usually take place in CAB on a Thursday eveing and are a great opportunity to mingle with fellow CSE students, dance to some good music, play a round of Töggeli (foosball) and enjoy some cold beers.
We are constantly looking for students who want to help us organize the next rw::gettogether, so if you're interested feel free to reach out!
The rw::excursions are meetings with companies, startups and research institutions which work in CSE-related fields, which the rwko organises multiple times a semester. They either take the form of a visit at the company's office or that of a workshop at ETH.
At rw::excursions, which usually last 2-3 hours, students have plenty of time to ask questions and discuss with employees about technical, business and day-to-day work related aspects of their company. In addition, the rw::excursions often include a coding challenge and an apéro at the end.
Did you know?:
As a committee of the VMP, you'll always be able to find our events on the VMP website and newsletter.
That being said, for some extra fun we recommend you sign up for our newslettter as well.
Wir sind immer auf der Suche nach motivierten Helfenden/OK für alle möglichen Events. Sei dabei und sichere dir deine Belohnung!
Welcome to Phi:male, the commission for equal opportunities in and around VMP!
Willst du dich von coolen und modernen Mathe- und Physikthemen inspirieren lassen, die von deinen Mitstudierenden präsentiert werden? Komm zu unseren wöchentlichen Undergraduate Talks mit anschliessendem Apéro! Jeden Dienstagvon 12:15 bis 13:00 Uhr, Raum HG G5.