Formed in early 2022, we are focused on improving the student life of... (you guessed it) master's and international students!
We organise and run events targeted specifically at the English-speaking student body, to help you meet others and to integrate you in the VMP Universe. Come along for a guaranteed good time! Look out for events labelled MIC in the VMP newsletter and the events page :)
We are also a first port of call for specific issues you might face - from housing and course choices, to finding supervisors and not knowing German. We are dedicated to collaborating with HoPoKo to improve your experience.
The current board members are:
Interested in joining? Reach out!
You can also email the board members directory by <nethz> (the nethz can be found in the directory), or stop us in the street for a chat (we promise we don't bite we're nice).
MIC drop
Wir sind immer auf der Suche nach motivierten Helfenden/OK für alle möglichen Events. Sei dabei und sichere dir deine Belohnung!
Welcome to Phi:male, the commission for equal opportunities in and around VMP!
Willst du dich von coolen und modernen Mathe- und Physikthemen inspirieren lassen, die von deinen Mitstudierenden präsentiert werden? Komm zu unseren wöchentlichen Undergraduate Talks mit anschliessendem Apéro! Jeden Dienstagvon 12:15 bis 13:00 Uhr, Raum HG G5.